Honda Outboard Serial Number Identification Year

Below is a lookup table to identify the make model and year of your Honda ATV. This data covers all ATV models from 1973 to 2000.


VINEngine SerialModel
ATC70-1000001ATC70E-10000011973 ATC70 K0
ATC70-1100001ATC70E-11000011974 ATC70 K1
ATC70-2000036ATC70E-20000071978 ATC70
ATC70-2100001ATC70E-21000011979 ATC70
TB03-2000001TB03E-20000011980 ATC70
JH3TB030*BC600001TB03E-26000011981 ATC70
JH3TB030*CC700001TB03E-27000031982 ATC70
JH3TB030*DC800006TB03E-28000011983 ATC70
JH3TB030*EC900001TB03E-29000011984 ATC70
JH3TB030*FK000001TB03E-30000011985 ATC70
JH3TE100*GC100001TE01E-20000011986 TRX70 Fourtrax 70
JH3TE100*HC100001TE01E-21000011987 TRX70 Fourtrax 70
US90-100122US90E-1001221970-1971 ATC90 K0 US90
US90-200001US90E-2000011972-1973 ATC90 K1 US90
ATC90-1300001ATC90E-13000011974 ATC90 K2
ATC90-1400001ATC90E-14000011975 ATC90 K3
ATC90-1500001ATC90E-15000011976 ATC90
ATC90-1600001ATC90E-16000011977 ATC90
ATC90-1700001ATC90E-17000011978 ATC90
478TE180*PM000015TE18E-20000131993 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
478TE180*PT000001TE18E-20000131993 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH2TE180*RT100001TE18E-20071111994 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH2TE180*ST200001TE18E-2001521995 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH2TE180*TK100001TE18E-20118761996 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH2TE180*VK200001TE18E-20146051997 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH2TE180*WK300001TE18E-20181251998 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH2TE180*XK400001TE18E-21000011999 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
JH3TE180*YK500001TE18E-21000012000 TRX90 Fourtrax 90
ATC110-2000005ATC110E-20000011979 ATC110
TB02-2000001TB02E-20000011980 ATC110
JH3TB020*BC200001TB02E-22000011981 ATC110
JH3TC020*CC300001TB02E-23000031982 ATC110
JH3TB020*DC400008TB02E-25000051983 ATC110
JH3TB020*EC500001TB02E-26000011984 ATC110
JH3TB020*FC600001TB02E-27000011985 ATC110
JH3TE010*EC000001TE01E-20000141984 ATC125M
JH3TE010*FC100001TE01E-21000011985 ATC125M
JH3TE010*GK200001TE01E-22000011986 ATC125M
JH3TE010*HK300001TE01E-83000011987 ATC125M
JH3TE050*FC000027TE05E-20000151985 TRX125 Fourtrax 125
JH3TE050*GC100001TE05E-21000011986 TRX125 Fourtrax 125
JH3TE050*HK200001TE05E-50000011987 TRX125 Fourtrax 125
JH3TE050*JK300001TE01E-50000011988 TRX125 Fourtrax 125
TB01-2000013TB01E-20000131980 ATC185
JH3TB010*BC100008TB01E-21000011981 ATC185S
JH3TB010*CC200001TB01E-22000131982 ATC185S
JH3TB010*DC300013TB01E-30000081983 ATC185S
JH3TB050*BC000004TB05E-20000011981 ATC200
JH3TB050*CC100001TB05E-21007041982 ATC200
JH3TB050*DC200023TB05E-22000091983 ATC200
JH3TB051*CC133783TB05E-50000221982 ATC200E Big Red
JH3TB051*DC203548TB05E-51000071983 ATC200E Big Red
JH3TB055*EC300001TB05E-60000011984 ATC200ES Big Red
JH3TB054*EC300005TB05E-53000041984 ATC200M
JH3TB054*FK400001TB05E-54000011985 ATC200M
JH3TB053*EK300001TB05E-23000011984 ATC200S
JH3TB053*FK400004TB05E*25000041985 ATC200S
JH3TB053*GK500006TB05E-25375141986 ATC200S
JH3TB052*DC263800TB05E-60000341983 ATC200X
JH3TB052*EC300001TB05E-61000011984 ATC200X
JH3TB052*FK400001TB05E-62000011985 ATC200X
JH3TB052*GK500001TB05E-63000011986 ATC200X
JH3TB052*HK600001TB05E-84000011987 ATC200X
JH3TE030*EC000001TE03E-30000011984 TRX200
478TE170*LA000001TE17E-80000011990 TRX200 Fourtrax 200
478TE170*MA100001TE17E-81000011991 TRX200 Fourtrax 200
478TE173*MA100001TE17E-81000011991 TRX200 Fourtrax 200 (NH)
478TE174*MA100001TE17E-81000011991 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
478TE177*MA100001TE17E-81000011991 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
478TE174*NA200001TE17E-81000011992 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
478TE177*NA200001TE17E-81000011992 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
478TE170*PA300001TE17E-83000011993 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
478TE173*PA300001TE17E-83000011993 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
1HFTE170*RA400001TE17E-84000011994 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
1HFTE173*RA400001TE17E-84000011994 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
1HFTE170*SA500001TE17E-84000011995 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
1HFTE173*SA500001TE17E-84000011995 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
1HFTE170*TA600001TE17E-84000011996 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
1HFTE173*TA600001TE17E-84000011996 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
1HFTE170*VA700001TE17E-84000011997 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II
1HFTE173*VA700001TE17E-84000011997 TRX200D Fourtrax 200 Type II (NH)
JH3TE030*GK000001TE03E-50000011986 TRX200SX Fourtrax 200SX
JH3TE030*HK100001TE03E-51000011987 TRX200SX Fourtrax 200SX
JH3TE030*JK200001TE03E-52000011988 TRX200SX Fourtrax 200SX
JH3TE040*FM000021TE04E-50000011985 ATC250ES Big Red
JH3TE040*GM200001TE04E-60000011986 ATC250ES Big Red
JH3TE040*HM300001TE04E-81000011987 ATC250ES Big Red
JH3TB060*BC000020TB06E-20000331981 ATC250R
JH3TB060*CC100001TB06E-21000041982 ATC250R
JH3TB060*DC200001TB06E-22000051983 ATC250R
JH3TB060*EC300003TB06E-23000031984 ATC250R
JH3TB060*FC400001TB06E-24000011985 ATC250R
JH3TB060*GC500001TB06E-25000011986 ATC250R
JH3TE042*FM000014TE04E-50000011985 ATC250SX
JH3TE042*GM100001TE04E-60000011986 ATC250SX
JH3TE042*HM200001TE04E-70050011987 ATC250SX
FL250-1000001FL250E-10000011977 FL250 Odyssey
FL250-1100001FL250E-10216011978 FL250 Odyssey
FL250-2000001FL250E-20000011979 FL250 Odyssey
TB04-2000001TB04E-20000011980 FL250 Odyssey
JH3TB040*BC400001TB04E-24000011981 FL250 Odyssey
JH3TB040*CC500001TB04E-25000011982 FL250 Odyssey
JH3TB040*DC600001TB04E-26000011983 FL250 Odyssey
JH3TB040*EC700001TB04E-27000011984 FL250 Odyssey
JH3TE060*FC000001TE06E-50000011985 TRX250 Fourtrax 250
JH3TE060*GC100001TE06E-51000011986 TRX250 Fourtrax 250
JH3TE060*HC200001TE06E-82000011987 TRX250 Fourtrax 250
478TE210*VA000001TE21E-80000011997 TRX250 Fourtrax Recon
478TE211*VA000001TE21E-80000011997 TRX250 Fourtrax Recon (CA)
478TE210*WA100001TE21E-81000011998 TRX250 Fourtrax Recon
478TE211*WA100001TE21E-81000011998 TRX250 Fourtrax Recon (CA)
JH3TE210*XA200001TE21E-82000011999 TRX250 Fourtrax Recon
478TE210*Y4000001TE21E-82000012000 TRX250 Fourtrax Recon
JH3TE120*GC000001TE12E-10000011986 TRX250R Fourtrax 250R
JH3TE120*HK100001TE12E-80000011987 TRX250R Fourtrax 250R
JH3TE120*JK200001TE06E*81000011988 TRX250R Fourtrax 250R
JH3TE120*KK300001TE06E*82000011989 TRX250R Fourtrax 250R
JH3TE130*HM000001TE13E-80000011987 TRX250X Fourtrax 250X
JH3TE130*JK100001TE13E-80000011988 TRX250X Fourtrax 250X
JH3TE130*MK300004TE13E-82000101991 TRX250X Fourtrax 250X
JH3TE133*MK300005TE13E-82000161991 TRX250X Fourtrax 250X (NH)
JH3TE130*NM400001TE13E-83000051992 TRX250X Fourtrax 250X
JH3TE133*NM400001TE13E-83000011992 TRX250X Fourtrax 250X (NH)
JH3TE140*JK000001TE14E-80000011988 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
JH3TE140*KK100003TE14E-81000031989 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE140*LA200010TE14E-82000011990 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE140*MA300001TE14E-83000011991 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*MA300001TE14E-83000011991 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*NA400003TE14E-84000011992 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*NA400001TE14E-84000011992 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*PA500001TE14E-85000011993 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*PA500001TE14E-85000011993 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*RA600001TE14E-86000011994 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*RA600001TE14E-86000011994 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*SA700001TE14E-87000011995 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*SA700001TE14E-87000011995 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*TA800001TE14E-88000011996 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*TA800001TE14E-88000011996 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*VA800001TE14E-89000011997 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE143*VA900001TE14E-89000011997 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (NH)
478TE140*WA900001TE14E-90000011998 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE141*WA000001TE14E-90000011998 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (CA)
478TE140*XA000001TE14E-91000011999 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE141*XA000001TE14E-91000011999 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (CA)
478TE140*YA100001TE14E-91000012000 TRX300 Fourtrax 300
478TE141*YA100001TE14E-91000012000 TRX300 Fourtrax 300 (CA)
JH3TE190*PT000005TE19E-20000221993 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH3TE193*PT000006TE19E-20000211993 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (NH)
JH2TE190*RT000001TE19E-20000011994 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH2TE193*RT100001TE19E-20000011994 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (NH)
JH2TE190*ST000001TE19E-20000011995 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH2TE193*ST100001TE19E-20000011995 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (NH)
JH2TE190*TK100001TE19E-20000011996 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH2TE193*TK100001TE19E-20000011996 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (NH)
JH2TE190*VK200001TE19E-20000011997 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH2TE193*VK200001TE19E-20000011997 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (NH)
JH2TE190*WK300001TE19E-22000011998 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH2TE191*WK300001TE19E-22000011998 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (CA)
JH2TE193*WK300001TE19E-22000011998 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX (NH)
JH2TE190*XK400001TE19E-22000011999 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH3TE190*YK500001TE19E-22000012000 TRX300EX Fourtrax 300EX
JH3TE150*JK000001TE15E-80000011988 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE150*LA200001TE15E-82000011990 TRX300FW Fourtrax 4x4
478TE150*MA300001TE15E-83000011991 TRX300FW Fourtrax 4x4
478TE153*MA300001TE15E-83000011991 TRX300FW Fourtrax 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*NA400001TE15E-84000011992 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE153*NA400001TE15E-84000011992 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*PA500001TE15E-85000011993 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE153*PA500001TE15E-85000011993 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*RA600001TE15E-86000011994 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE153*RA600001TE15E-86000011994 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*SA700001TE15E-87000011995 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE153*SA700001TE15E-87000011995 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*TA800001TE15E-88000011996 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE153*TA800001TE15E-88000011996 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*VA800001TE15E-89000011997 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE153*VA900001TE15E-89000011997 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (NH)
478TE150*WA900001TE15E-90000011998 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE151*WA000001TE15E-90000011998 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (CA)
478TE150*XA000001TE15E-91000011999 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE151*XA000001TE15E-91000011999 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (CA)
478TE150*YA100001TE15E-91000012000 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4
478TE151*YA100001TE15E-91000012000 TRX300FW Fourtrax 300 4x4 (CA)
JH3TE080*FM000001TE08E-50000011985 ATC350X
JH3TE080*GM100001TE08E-51000011986 ATC350X
JH3TE020*FC100001TE02E-20000011985 FL350R Odyssey 350
JH3TE070*GM000001TE07E-50000011986 TRX350 Fourtrax 4x4
JH3TE070*HM100001TE07E-81000011987 TRX350 Fourtrax 4x4
JH3TE071*HM000001TE07E-81000011987 TRX350D Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
JH3TE071*JK100001TE07E-82000011988 TRX350D Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
JH3TE071*KK200001TE07E-83000011989 TRX350D
478TE254*YA000001TE25E-80000012000 TRX350FE Fourtrax Rancher 4x4 ES
478TE250*YA000001TE25E-80000012000 TRX350FM Fourtrax Rancher 4x4
478TE244*YA000001TE24E-80000012000 TRX350TE Fourtrax Rancher ES
478TE240*YA000001TE24E-80000012000 TRX350TM Fourtrax Rancher
JH3TE160*KK000044TE16E-50000621989 FL400R Pilot
JH3TE160*LK100001TE16E-51000011990 FL400R Pilot
478TE230*XA000001TE23E-80000011999 TRX400EX Fourtrax 400EX
478TE230*Y4000001TE23E-80000012000 TRX400EX Fourtrax 400EX
478TE200*SA000001TE20E-80000011995 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
478TE203*SA000001TE20E-80000011995 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4 (NH)
478TE200*TA100001TE20E-81000011996 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
478TE203*TA100001TE20E-81000011996 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4 (NH)
478TE200*VA200001TE20E-82000011997 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
478TE203*VA200001TE20E-82000011997 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4 (NH)
478TE200*WA300001TE20E-83000011998 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
478TE201*WA000001TE20E-83000011998 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4 (CA)
478TE200*XA400001TE20E-84000011999 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
478TE200*Y4100001TE20E-84000012000 TRX400FW Fourtrax Foreman 4x4
478TE224*WA000001TE22E-80000011998 TRX450ES Fourtrax Foreman ES
478TE224*X4000001TE22E-81000011999 TRX450ES Fourtrax Foreman ES
478TE224*Y4100001TE22E-81000012000 TRX450ES Fourtrax Foreman ES
478TE220*WA000001TE22E-80000011998 TRX450S Fourtrax Foreman S
478TE220*X4000001TE22E-81000011999 TRX450S Fourtrax Foreman S
478TE220*Y4100001TE22E-81000012000 TRX450S Fourtrax Foreman S

Mercury Outboard Serial & Model Number Guide Knowing the features and year of your Mercury outboard can help with ordering Mercury outboard parts and Mercury outboard repair manuals. You can find your Mercury outboard serial number and model number on an ID tag on the mounting bracket, or in some cases on an engine block freeze plug. Although it may seem like a difficult task at first, determining the model year of the Honda outboard motor by using the serial number is really a very simple task. Locate the serial number plate on the right side of the outboard, just beneath the engine cover and close to the transom. Honda outboards follow a consistent model number system, making them easily identifiable. Honda outboards will have the Honda name located on the engine cover. Since first appearing in the United States in 1967, Honda Marine outboards have been a reliable competitor to American makes such as Johnson and Mercury.

How do i find out what year my honda outboard isHow can i tell what year my honda outboard is

* Denotes a character that can change per machine.

Honda Marine Outboards has many different versions of each model, each for a different application. The best and most accurate way to be sure you are getting the right parts for your specific outboard is to enter the serial number. Steering System. DX = 1999 DY = 2000 D1 = 2001 D2 = 2002 D3 = 2003 D4 = 2004.

I have a Honda four stroke BF8A 8 hp - it says BACL on the serial number tag with serial# 1211869 - Iv'e been all over the web and can't make heads or tails out of this what year it is. Model Name & Serial Number. The serial number sticker is often located on the right front side of the frame (H6522, H4013, H4514, H4518, HT3810, HT4213, HT-R3811, H5013, H5518, RT5000) Honda riding mowers may also have the serial number located on the back of the mower's frame (HA4118, HA4120, H3013), or beneath the hood on the left side of the frame (H2013, H2113).

Finding the year your outboard motor was built may be as simple as looking at a document. For some motors, the clues are on the motor, waiting for you to decipher using a key word. For at least one, you have to ask the dealer, if you want more than a range of years in which that particular model of motor was produced, because neither the model number or the serial number will provide a clue.

  1. Inspect the registration certificate issued by the state, if you live in a state that requires registration, or on the title, if you live in the states of Utah, Texas, Ohio, South Carolina, Oklahoma or Missouri. The model year or the date of manufacture is plainly displayed on both registration and title. If you own a Honda outboard, this may be one of the only two ways to find the information without contacting the Honda dealer.

  2. Open your motor operator's handbook and look for the information the dealer included about your motor. If you don't have the motor operator's manual that came with your motor when it was new, you must use another method.

  3. Go to the motor and look on the motor's swivel bracket for an embossed, metalized tag or plate that has the name of the motor's manufacturer boldly stamped at its top. This manufacturer's tag also shows the year the motor was built, or the model year on all motors except Honda.

  4. Lift the top cowling from the motor. Some popular brands of outboards have this information engraved on the top, center of the engine block and others may have it on a tag, usually found on the right side of the engine block.

  5. Read the model number, if you have an Evinrude or Johnson outboard. The last two letters of the model number are taken from the 10-letter word 'introduces.' Each letter corresponds to a number -- the first letter is '1,' the second, '2,' the third '3,' until the letter 'E,' which equals 9. The final letter of the word, 'S,' which stands for '0,' and the numbers are the last two numbers of the motor's year built. Thus a model number XXX-XX-XXX-XYX-X SE was built in 2009, since 'S' is '0' and 'E' is '9.'

Honda Outboard Motor Serial Number

Once you have the ID number simply select your outboard's year of manufacture on this main Honda parts page, then select the model that corresponds to you outboard's ID number to be taken to the correct Honda marine parts page for that exact outboard model.


  • If none of these methods is available to you, your best option is to ask the nearest dealer selling the brand of outboard motor you own. While several outboard-parts websites have a 'lookup capability,' their primary purpose is to sell parts, not hand out information.

How Do I Know What Year My Honda Outboard Is

Honda Outboard Model Year

Yamaha Outboard Serial Number Year

Honda Outboard Serial Number Model Year 2016

About the Author

Will Charpentier is a writer who specializes in boating and maritime subjects. A retired ship captain, Charpentier holds a doctorate in applied ocean science and engineering. He is also a certified marine technician and the author of a popular text on writing local history.

Photo Credits

  • Jupiterimages/ Images

Johnson Outboard Motors Serial Numbers
